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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Sexy, Eh?

Behind the closed doors of a nation

J.R. Patterson

Sex in Canada: The Who, Why, When, and How of Getting Down Up North

Tina Fetner

UBC Press

224 pages, hardcover, softcover, and ebook

Michelle Bedard published Canada in Bed: An Irreverent Study of Canadian Sexual Attitudes in 1969. Its cover was a little risqué: a drawing of a couple in bed, under a Maple Leaf quilt, the man engrossed in some financial booklet while the woman, red-nippled and blond, expresses frustration. The book, which set out to examine satirically the “perilous shortage of love in Canada,” is really a bundle of sour notes on what Bedard considered a country of emasculated men, whom she proceeded to categorize by profession, ranking their potency and lovemaking abilities. Bedard described a confused, sexually frustrated society with something of a longing for the pioneer days when “beating back the bush, planting the corn, churning the butter and spinning the yarn, [left] no time for indulgences such as neuroses, psychoses, fetishes, perversions, homosexuality or even for plain old-fashioned bachelorhood.” Lord knows what she’d think now.

(Michelle Bedard was the...

J. R. Patterson was born on a farm in Manitoba. His writing appears widely, including in The Atlantic and National Geographic.

