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Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

January–February 2011

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Tom Pokinko Tom Pokinko is an artist, graphic designer, illustrator and doctoral student based in Ottawa. His clients include the United Nations Association in Canada, Blue Metropolis, The Progressive, Maisonneuve Magazine and Goodenough College. He is working on a book of urban sketches from London, Ottawa and Montreal.

Relentless Implacability

One ethnic group has its fingerprints all over this place

John Ivison

Canada As Colonial Power

Not quite the way we like to think of ourselves.

Madelaine Drohan

A Blitzkrieg of Soccer

The Homeless World Cup brings together impoverished players from around the globe.

Mark MacKinnon

The Court Jester

A brilliant teller of tales looks back over millions of words

John R. Colombo

National Archives Blues

Is a precious Canadian asset being digitized to death?

Susan Crean

Fairy Tales for Men

Winnipeg director Guy Maddin is one of Canada's most challenging auteurs

Noreen Golfman

Dispatch from Colorado Springs

A Canadian resident learns what happens when the town council calls the bluff of the lower-taxes movement.

Steven Hayward

Back to the Garden

What is vernacular culture and do we really want it?

Geoff Pevere

Fictional Fetish

There’s more magic than realism in this portrayal of India

Kamal Al-Solaylee

Dreyfus Domesticated

A deft but bland treatment of a dramatic historical episode.

Lauren B. Davis

Split Personality

Is Bob Rae closer to Edmund Burke or to Thomas Paine?

Leslie Campbell

Northern Treasure

The gold may be gone from the Klondike but the stories still glitter

James Roots

In the Citadel’s Shadow

The perils of updating a popular classic

Paul W. Bennett

A Patient Prophet Speaks

We need to confront complex problems with a powerful myth.

Denis Smith