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From the archives

The Trust Spiral

Restoring faith in the media

Dear Prudence

A life of exuberance and eccentricity

Who’s Afraid of Alice Munro?

A long-awaited biography gives the facts, but not the mystery, behind this writer’s genius

A Tattered Canadian Hero

Two more books that try to illuminate "the godfather of grunge"

Mark D. Dunn

Neil Young and the Poetics of Energy

William Echard

Indiana University Press

260 pages, softcover

ISBN: 0253217687

Neil Young Nation: A Quest, an Obsession (and a True Story)

Kevin Chong

Greystone Books

286 pages, softcover

ISBN: 1553651162

Mark D. Dunn, a musician and poet, teaches writing and music history at Sault College. His most recent book is Fancy Clapping (Scrivener Press, 2012).

