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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

November 2005

Kevin Sylvester Kevin Sylvester is an author, illustrator, and CBC sportscaster and host who lives in Toronto. His new book, Sports Hall of Weird, was published by KidsCan Press in 2005, and his old book, Shadrin Has Scored for Russia is available from him directly at <>.

An Unholy Marriage

Perhaps Brian Mulroney and Peter Newman should never have met.

Anthony Westell

Honour Killings

Who can advance this difficult subject?

Thérèse Taylor

CanLit Globalized

Do books born in the wrong place get left out of the canon?

Dennis Duffy

A Giant of Jurisprudence

Bora Laskin's first full biography illuminates the jurist more than the man.

Mark J. Freiman

Lighting and Lightening a Country

How television changed a rigidly closed nation forever.

Joan Barfoot

Too Much Theory, Too Much Ideology

An ex-NDP leader finds a history of Canadian socialism lacking.

Bob Rae

Tracking Those in Poverty

Nobody knows you when you're down and out.

John Stapleton

Elegy on a County Island

A moody and melancholy meditation on art and time.

Antanas Sileika

So Vicious It's Delicious

Barfoot's satire mocks mourning and puts death in its place.

The Invisible Class

Recent vice=regal choices demonstrate a major shift in Canadian values.

Mark F. Proudman

A Tattered Canadian Hero

Two more books that try to illuminate "the godfather of grunge"

Mark D. Dunn

A (Tarnished) Penny for Her Thoughts

A business professor finds a much-lauded polemic self-serving and tedious.

David Dunne

The Bear Tamer Reconsidered

Marian Engel’s letters revive interest in a neglected CanLit icon

Sandra Martin

The Value of Talkfests

A volume of essays assesses the successes and failures of the G8 process.

Fen Osler Hampson

Riding the Range

The story of one famous spread tells the history of Alberta ranching.

J. E. Chamberlin