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From the archives

The Trust Spiral

Restoring faith in the media

Dear Prudence

A life of exuberance and eccentricity

Who’s Afraid of Alice Munro?

A long-awaited biography gives the facts, but not the mystery, behind this writer’s genius

Growing Up Communist

A political thinker recalls his unsettling Toronto upbringing in a Stalinist home.

Mel Watkins

Red Diaper Baby: A Boyhood in the Age of McCarthyism

James Laxer

Douglas and McIntyre

184 pages, hardcover

ISBN: 1553650735

Mel Watkins is a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. McGill-Queen’s University Press recently published Staples and Beyond: Selected Writings of Mel Watkins, edited by Hugh Grant and David Wolfe. He remains a political activist, most recently as a member of the Maher Arar Support Committee.

