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From the archives

The Trust Spiral

Restoring faith in the media

Dear Prudence

A life of exuberance and eccentricity

Who’s Afraid of Alice Munro?

A long-awaited biography gives the facts, but not the mystery, behind this writer’s genius

Copping to It

In their treatment of First Nations, do the police reflect their own culture or broader Canadian social values?

John D. Whyte

Racialized Policing: Aboriginal People’s Encounters with the Police

Elizabeth Comack

Fernwood Publishing

254 pages, softcover

ISBN: 9781552664759

John D. Whyte is a professor of law emeritus at Queen’s University and is a policy fellow at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School at the University of Regina. He was Saskatchewan’s director of constitutional law from 1979 to 1982.

