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From the archives

A Noble Departure

The lost art of standing down

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Aisha Sasha John

Aisha Sasha John is a poet, dancer, and choreographer. Her most recent collection, I have to live. (McClelland and Stewart, 2017) was a finalist for the 2018 Griffin Poetry Prize. Her solo performance the aisha of is, which premiered at the Whitney Museum in 2017, will be presented at Toronto’s 2018 Summerworks Festival. In addition to her solo work, Aisha choreographed, performed and curated as a member of the collective WIVES from 2015–2017. Aisha’s other books include The Shining Material (Book*hug, 2011) and THOU (Book*hug, 2014)—finalist for both the Trillium and ReLit book awards. Aisha was the 2018 University
of Toronto Scarborough writer-in-residence. She was born in Montreal.

Articles by
Aisha Sasha John