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Andrew Horvat

Andrew Horvat is a veteran Canadian correspondent based in Tokyo. He is currently a visiting professor at Josai International University.

Articles by
Andrew Horvat

Boy in the Basement

Japan’s most celebrated novelist, now found in Canadian translation July–August 2015
Haruki Murakami has achieved international recognition never before accorded to a Japanese writer. His 1987 novel, Norwegian Wood, alone has sold more than 10 million copies in Japanese and 37 other languages worldwide. To say he is prolific is to understate matters. So far he has produced 14 book-length works of fiction, 15 anthologies of short…


Would a Canadian reactor have staved off the Fukushima nuclear disaster? September 2011
On March 14, 2011, three days after a 16 metre tsunami knocked out the cooling systems of four of six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the Washington Post’s Slate website carried a column by Anne Applebaum in which the Pulitzer Prize–winning author gave voice to a widely shared sense of disbelief: “If the Japanese can’t build a completely safe nuclear…