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Arno Kopecky

Arno Kopecky is an environmental author and journalist in Vancouver. His new book of essays, Notes on a Paradox, comes out soon.

Articles by
Arno Kopecky

There May Yet Be Hope

Our future is not set in stone November 2020
On September 12, 1961, a thirty-four-year-old activist from Connecticut named Stephanie May travelled to New York and began a hunger strike outside the Soviet mission on East Sixty-Seventh Street. Two police officers threatened to arrest her for vagrancy the moment she arrived; they agreed to let her stay only after she promised not to spend the…

Of People, Pride and Potatoes

How international development has helped—and hurt—Andean farming villages March 2015
Why should you care, anyway, that the descendants of the greatest empire ever to unite and oppress pre-contact America have been reduced to this? To lives, that is, of relentless toil and constant exploitation, scraping survival from the depleted soil of the Andean subalpine, one mottled potato at a time? (Here is a hint: Smallshare farmers such as these are the ones who currently feed around 70 percent of humanity.)…

Credulity Lives!

Human belief in flim-flam appears to be limitless December 2013
“My god, what do you have to show them before they’ll take it seriously?” So cried Bigfoot quester René Dahinden in 1967, after scientists at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, along with their counterparts at the Smithsonian, the University of British Columbia and several other notable institutions, unanimously discounted the most famous Bigfoot video in history as a…