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Bruce Little

Bruce Little is a former economics reporter and columnist for The Globe and Mail. Since leaving the Globe in 2004, he spent a year at the Bank of Canada as a special advisor to the governor and wrote a book, Fixing the Future: How Canada’s Usually Fractious Governments Worked Together to Rescue the Canada Pension Plan (University of Toronto Press, 2008)

Articles by
Bruce Little

Defining Disability

The shifting benefits thresholds in Canada June 2016
The public policy issues concerning Canadians with disabilities are often akin to Canadians with disabilities themselves—occasionally visible, but positioned on the periphery of political discourse. Their concerns are periodically debated, but rarely occupy centre stage, where the star turns are taken by issues to which all Canadians can relate because they personally are affected. There are…

Iceland As Icarus

How international media covered the island nation’s fiscal nosedive. June 2011
In the early days of the financial earthquake that swept the world in 2008, Iceland was at the forefront, unlikely as it might have seemed. This small country on the rim of the North Atlantic and the edge of awareness for most people in the industrial world had run up a far-too-remarkable record of economic growth in the early…

Tough Times

Two books put capitalism and its promises on the hot seat. June 2009