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Carleigh Baker

Carleigh Baker is an âpihtawikosisâniskwêw-Icelandic writer. Her debut story collection, Bad Endings (Anvil, 2017) was a finalist for the Emerging Indigenous Voices Award for fiction and won the City of Vancouver Book Award.

Articles by
Carleigh Baker

Past Trauma

Richard Wagamese and an Indigenous literary resurgence July | August 2018
Canadian literary criticism is made up of stories we tell ourselves about the stories we tell ourselves about who we are. The bulk of this writing has traditionally centred around literature that the dominant culture considers valuable, interpreted by voices deemed worthy of the task. Indigenous literatures continue to claim space in this territory, but the realm of critics and tastemakers remains predominantly…

The Mythical Indigenous Protagonist

Katherena Vermette’s new novel, and how we read Indigenous fiction November 2016
“Moving is the only hope,” a media presence who really should remain nameless recently said of a troubled Northern Ontario community. A predictable settler solution, to which the author and playwright Drew Hayden Taylor provides the best response: “Social malaise doesn’t come with a street address,” he says. “It comes with history.” How did we come to accept the street-address…