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From the archives

Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Cynthia French

Cynthia French is a Newfoundlander living in rural Nova Scotia. She has been writing poems since 2006 and has been published in Riddle Fence, CV2 and The New Quarterly. Other work has appeared on the website of the League of Canadian Poets as well as in the anthologies The Wild Weathers (Leaf Press, 2012) and Untying the Apron: Daughters Remember Mothers of the 1950s (Guernica, 2013).

Articles by
Cynthia French

Chilean Ghazals

November 2013
  white doe — an albino ripple in a brown silk banner of running deer   wading the Pacific in Quintera — cold paprika ocean sparks my ankles   a squelch of kelp beneath my feet, memory of a friendship’s misstep — a beach walk blurred   across dark pasture of parcella, jigsaw lights blink…