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This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Debbie Okun Hill

Debbie Okun Hill is past president of The Ontario Poetry Society. Since 2003, more than 235 of her poems have been published in 105 publications or websites including Vallum, The Windsor Review, Existere, Descant and Other Voices in Canada as well as Mobius, The Binnacle and Still Point Arts Quarterly in the United States. Tarnished Trophies (Black Moss Press, 2014) is her first trade book.

Articles by
Debbie Okun Hill

Not So Stable

A poem April 2014
  Sometimes when she stirs, he pauses       (forgets what he is doing) her unsaddled back un-brushed his spurs of impatience upsetting her how the evening sky darkens a soft blue bleeding into mystic orange, flaring red into starlit black cloak.   She knows her Master isn’t well the way his knees rattle how he buckles with pain cancelling evening rides (no more wild white daisies no romp in Queen Anne’s lace just quiet staring at uneaten food) his jockey…