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Denis Johnston

Dr. Denis Johnston, formerly with the Shaw Festival,  is now a freelance editor and theatre historian based in Victoria BC. He has written an award-winning book, Up the Mainstream: The Rise of Toronto’s Alternative Theatres (1991), and edited autobiographies of Canadian actor-directors Tony van Bridge, Leslie Yeo, and Neil Munro.

Articles by
Denis Johnston

Winnipeg's Sacred Monster

How a Hungarian war orphan became one of North America’s most brilliant — and mercurial — theatre directors May 2012
While the story of Canadian theatre is well served by a wide array of biographies and autobiographies, there has been one daunting topic hitherto left untouched: John Hirsch (1930–89). Born into an affluent family in Hungary, Hirsch came to Canada as a teenage war refugee; a decade later he famously co-founded Canada’s first civic professional theatre company—the Manitoba Theatre Centre—and went on to become one of North America’s foremost stage…