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Taxi Driver Syndrome

Behind-the-scenes immigration changes are creating new problems on top of old ones

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

The Empathy Paradox: What #MeToo Misses

What even a post-Weinstein conversation is not saying about sexual assault

Diana Juricevic

Diana Juricevic is a member of the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. She was formerly an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto and acting director of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and its international human rights program.

Articles by
Diana Juricevic

Playing the Rights Card

A history of Canadian foreign policy as domestic theatre. December 2012
At the beginning of Why Canada Cares: Human Rights and Foreign Policy in Theory and Practice, a powerful narrative on human rights in Canadian foreign policy, Andrew Lui challenges a claim entrenched in our national mythology—that Canada has always been a leading advocate of international human rights. He describes Canada as a “human rights laggard” in the decades after World War…