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Donald B. Smith

Donald B. Smith, professor emeritus of history at the University of Calgary, is writing a book about non-Indigenous perspectives of First Nations.

Articles by
Donald B. Smith

No Genocide

It’s not the right word for the history books October 2019
Editor’s Note: This is one of two related pieces in the October 2019 issue. The Hon. Harry S. LaForme offers a counterargument with “Yes, Genocide.” Only four years ago, a ­tremendous change occurred in how many non-Indigenous Canadians perceive Indigenous people. The chief justice of Canada, Beverley McLachlin, used the phrase “cultural genocide” in late May 2015 to describe a number of government…

The Cherokee Scot

A new edition of a wartime memoir May 2019
In early nineteenth-­century Upper Canada, what today is Ontario, John Norton was an important if largely forgotten link between the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois, and the British. Known in Mohawk as Teyoninhokarawen, he was born across the ocean in 1770, of Cherokee and Scottish descent, and is a testament to the dynamic relationships among Indigenous and European peoples of the…