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Joe Berridge

Joe Berridge is a partner at Urban Strategies Inc. and the Bousfield Distinguished Visitor in the Program in Planning at the University of Toronto.

Articles by
Joe Berridge

City Maker

How the new city hall transformed Toronto December 2015
Can a single building make a city? Perhaps for Toronto it is true. Christopher Armstrong, in Civic Symbol: Creating Toronto’s New City Hall 1952–1966, provides the evidence that the creation of New City Hall was the moment modern Toronto was born. He tells a fascinating story of how the Toronto of the 1950s—a reliably dull provincial city of no importance lost in the middle of a secondary country—transformed itself into a global…

Imagining the City

What are the practical foundations needed for a new urban deal? November 2004

Toronto Hard and Soft

How can a city this dysfunctional be so successful? October 2011
Two new academic books about Toronto, one about the history of its waterfront, the other its treatment in literature, help explain in very different ways both the cacophony of daily headlines in this impossible city and our endlessly conflicted emotions about its qualities. And perhaps they give part of an answer to the more fundamental problem any citizen of Toronto tussles with every day: how is it possible that such an…

Suburbia Forever

Nothing, it seems, can stop cities from growing ever outwards. September 2007

Wood, Glass and Stone

A new book showcases the character and excellence of Canadian architecture. April 2006