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John Degen

John Degen is a novelist and poet. His day job is executive director of The Writers’ Union of Canada. His novel, The Uninvited Guest (Nightwood Editions, 2006), was a finalist for the 2006 First Novel Award.

Articles by
John Degen

Cultural Nationalism 3.0

The head of The Writers’ Union of Canada continues the debate on CanLit in the schools (and in our lives) June 2013
Michael LaPointe’s essay on CanLit in the May LRC challenges Canadians to measure both our awareness of our national literature and our level of contentment with the very idea of a national literature. LaPointe continues an ongoing conversation that almost certainly does not happen in most of the rest of the English-speaking world. Yet it is a conversation I have been having in one form or another for my 20-some years in the business of writing and publishing in…