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From the archives

Power Down

Is this the twilight’s last gleaming?

Who Controls North America?

Today, even the U.S. government is just one of many players

The End of the End

Revisiting a famous declaration

Kayla Czaga

Kayla Czaga is the author of two poetry collections, For Your Safety Please Hold On and Dunk Tank . She lives in Victoria.

Articles by
Kayla Czaga

  Another forty minutes in a stranger’s armpit, oh boy. How do you like avoiding eye contact with me, sir in neon windbreaker? Let’s stare at the logos mass embroidered into each other’s outerwear, listening to whatever podcasts or pop music the wires lift into our ears. So many public strangers whose voices we never…
  In grade three I was jealous of the boy who had an EpiPen, Aaron. With it, he could survive peanuts. Like a videogame egg it was hidden elsewhere to be uncovered during moments of kingdom crisis. In China, workers weave through fields pulling paintbrushes across crops for pollination, the bees gone, fallen onto sidewalks, a billion yellow blossoms…