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From the archives

Blurred Vision

A novel by Anne Michaels

Solidarity Revisited

What past legal battles tell us about the Canadian workplace today

Clock Watching

The nuclear threat lingers still

Les Horswill

Les Horswill writes on politics and public policy. He has worked as an organizer, speechwriter and policy advisor. As assistant deputy minister, he advised various Ontario governments on national unity, energy and trade. Les blogs at <>.

Articles by
Les Horswill

Gold Rush

The ephemeral success of chasing the taxpayer's dime. June 2015
A hundred years ago, Cobalt, Ontario, was a spectacular, if serendipitous, success. Its rich silver deposits funded theatres, opera houses, countless saloons, an electric streetcar, a stock exchange and the national Silver Kings hockey team of the early NHL. As a world mecca for fortune seekers, the town secured the first detachment of Ontario’s Provincial…

Hard Bargain

A bold business case for the U.S. acquisition of Canada January–February 2014
<p>In 1965, philosopher George Grant told us that Canada had already “ceased” to make sense but that the nation would not disappear as an independent country for some time. Union with the U.S. “empire,” he proffered, would require extraordinary decisions. Politicians, however, find it easier to be loyal innovators, within the status quo. He called this uncertainty about the details of his bleak prophecy the “kindest of all God’s…

Halfway There

A commentary on Canada’s political discontents proves insufficiently bold. September 2009