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Martha Hall Findlay

Martha Hall Findlay is an executive fellow at the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary. She was elected twice as a member of Parliament and served in the Liberal Shadow Cabinet as Official Opposition Critic for International Trade; Associate Finance; Transport, Infrastructure and Communities; and Public Works and Government Services. She was a candidate for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada in 2006 and 2013.

Articles by
Martha Hall Findlay

Parliamentary Opposition, in Theory

Westminster definitions seem increasingly at odds with real Canadian politics. April 2014
The general election of 2011 saw major changes in Canada’s electoral politics. One, of course, was the establishment, for the first time ever, of the NDP as the Official Opposition. Many saw this as much bigger news, with more long-term import for Canada, than the fact that the same election produced a Conservative majority. The NDP had moved from being the country’s “conscience” to being considered a real potential for…

All Over the Map

In riding politics, the only common factor seems to be idiosyncrasy December 2011
“The years 2006 to 2009 were not pleasant for the Liberal Party of Canada,” writes political scientist Royce Koop. Had he only known how much worse it was to get by 2011 … But solving Liberal electoral woes is not the purpose of his new book, Grassroots Liberals: Organizing for Local and National Politics