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Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Méira Cook

Méira Cook is a poet and writer. She has recently published a poetry collection, Monologue Dogs (Brick Books, 2015), and a novel, Nightwatching (HarperCollins, 2015). She lives in Winnipeg.

Articles by
Méira Cook

Love’s Remains

Canada’s poets have left a rich epistolary trail July–August 2015
here the Nights Are Twice As Long: Love Letters of Canadian Poets, an anthology edited by David Eso and Jeanette Lynes, is more than 400 pages in length. As such it is a hefty collection, a representative and inclusive collection of letters to, for, about and against the absent beloved. It is…

The Almost-Boy

March 2015
  Liar! yelled God. But Geppetto was the kind of father who liked to knock things into place. First was a grin on his terrible face (he held it there with nails, he held it there with resolution). The second was Mr. Bones, that loose-   hinged, cartilage-jawed Whatsit. Rubbing him raw from inside his loose…