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From the archives

Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Mike Evans

Mike Evans is Canada Research Chair in World’s Indigenous Peoples and an associate professor at UBC Okanagan. He is a community-based researcher working most recently and intensively with the Métis community in British Columbia on a range of projects ranging from historical to contemporary topics and issues.

Articles by
Mike Evans

Métis Imposter

A white Ontarian assumed Métis identity and convinced many, including himself June 2008
Honoré Jaxon: Prairie Visionary is the third in a series of detailed and nuanced biographical works about “Prairie Imposters” by University of Calgary historian Donald Smith. It follows earlier books on Grey Owl and Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, both of whom made questionable claims to aboriginality. Grey Owl, born Archie Belaney in Britain to British…