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From the archives

Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Naheed Mustafa

Naheed Mustafa is an award-winning broadcaster and writer. She is currently working on a radio documentary for CBC Radio’s Ideas on a 12th-century Arabic text that, hundreds of years later, became an influence on early Enlightenment thinkers. It is scheduled for broadcast in the spring. Her writing has appeared The Walrus and The Atlantic, among other publications.

Articles by
Naheed Mustafa

How to Be a Feminist

Searching for the soul of a movement March 2017
If there is one thing Donald Trump can be credited with since his explosive political entrance, it is galvanizing feminists. In January, some four and a half million women around the world got out into the streets to send their own message to the new president. I work in journalism, and at my workplace the Toronto march was all anyone could talk about in the days leading…