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Norman Ravvin

Norman Ravvin’s recent novel is The Joyful Child (Gaspereau Press, 2011). Previous books include a story collection, Sex, Skyscrapers and Standard Yiddish (Paperplates Books, 1997), and a volume of essays entitled A House of Words: Jewish Writing, Identity and Memory (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997). He lives in Montreal.

Articles by
Norman Ravvin

A Refusenik Returns

Israeli politics frame David Bezmozgis' bitterly funny tale of Jewish Crimea January–February 2015
Not since the Limelighters, early 1960s folkies, has Simferopol made its way to the centre of art that is wild and smart. Of that old central Crimean city, where Jews set up farming colonies in the 1920s, the Limelighters sang out in proudly stentorian Yiddish: “Az men fort kine Sevastopol, Iz nit veit fun
In early 1936, New Yorker writer Janet ­Flanner, a regular contributor to the magazine’s “Letter from Europe” column, filed three lengthy profiles on Adolph Hitler. The New Yorker ran them in a format more commonly used for Americans of note—people whom we now call celebrities. With the Berlin Summer Olympics on the…

Provocative Idealist

One novelist profiles another in this latest take on the Richler legacy December 2010
In 1989 I attended Toronto Harbourfront’s International Festival of Authors, where Mordecai Richler launched Solomon Gursky Was Here. After reading, perched on a chair behind a table stacked high with hardcovers, Richler put up with me, along with a few hundred others, telling him something wry aimed at opening conversation as he wrote his name on the novel’s title…

Troubling Tactics

Can money pay the price for the Holocaust? January–February 2010
Michael Marrus’s new book, Some Measure of Justice: The Holocaust Era Restitution Campaign of the 1990s, is a compelling and detailed portrait of what he views to be a key moment—possibly a paradigm shift—in the understanding and reception of the Holocaust. In a turn of events that he views as…