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From the archives

Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Patrick Warner

Patrick Warner is the author of three novels, including My Camino.

Articles by
Patrick Warner

Designated Respondent

Reading this is voluntary September 2023
Given that the pandemic has significantly altered our daily lives, it is necessary to gather information on its effects on mental health and coping skills.— Statistics Canada Sometime in the spring of 2023, I received a slim brown Government of Canada envelope in the mail. My first thought was that it was an adjustment to my tax…

Everybody’s Face but Their Own

Satire in an age of surrender April 2020
Fear, in the Canadian literary world, is something few people want to talk about, at least openly. When writers gather in private, however, the topic of what they can and cannot say or write in the public sphere is always simmering just under the surface. These days, they are justifiably afraid of putting a foot wrong (for a sample of the reasons…