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Paul Evans

Paul Evans is a professor of Asian and trans-Pacific international relations at the University of British Columbia. His first book was a biography of John Fairbank; his most recent, Engaging China: Myth, Aspiration and Strategy in Canadian Policy from Trudeau to Harper, was published by the University of Toronto Press last year.

Articles by
Paul Evans

Close Encounters

How best to deal with a rising China July–August 2015
In this election season, as most others, foreign affairs rest at the periphery of party platforms and public discussion. The Conservatives’ reactive focus on supporting Israel, fighting ISIL, ducking global warming, and confronting Vladimir Putin over Crimea and Ukraine will generate some debate. And there is always the possibility of the unexpected. But on the bigger strategic dimensions of Canada’s role in the world we can expect…

Dancing with the Dragon

As China surges to new heights, can Canada keep step? April 2013
In the spring of 2008 an academic colleague bemoaned to me the absence of materials on Canada-China relations that she could use in her teaching. There were a handful of books on the history of the relationship, occasional academic essays and think tank reports (mainly by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada), and a steady flow of media and other…