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Peter H. Russell

Peter H. Russell was political scientist and principal of Senior College at the University of Toronto. He chaired the Research Advisory Committee for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Articles by
Peter H. Russell

Getting Aboriginal Rights Right

Two new books take very different approaches to how aboriginal rights should be treated in Canada October 2013
In 2007, the United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (with the unfortunate acronym DRIP), which is meant to apply to the societies around the world that meet the UN’s definition of Indigenous peoples. (The world’s Indigenous population is estimated to exceed 300 million, out of a total population of 7 billion.) Although Canada under Liberal governments had been a keen supporter of the…

Showdown in Ottawa

A blow-by-blow account of the struggle to patriate the Canadian constitution September 2011
Thirty years, a full generation in historical terms, have gone by since Canada took charge of its constitution, removing it from the custody of the United Kingdom Parliament. No doubt the 30th anniversary of that milestone in Canadian history will bring forth a flood of writing on the significance of the event and the political struggle through which it…