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Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Ranj Dhaliwal

Ranj Dhaliwal is the author of Daaku, which tackles the issue of Indo-Canadian gangs in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland. He has been called upon by media and police across Canada as a gang expert. The third book in the Daaku series will be released in 2013.

Articles by
Ranj Dhaliwal

Vomit, Blood and Folly

A novel conveys the grittier aspects of multicultural adolescence. April 2012
They say not to judge a book by its cover—Mongrel has two devil-headed youths seated together who appear to be writing something with a bowl of what looks like blood by their feet—but, in this case, I find the correlation between the stories and the cover to be spot on. When a reader begins this…