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Robert Fothergill

Robert Forthergill is professor emeritus in the Department of Theatre at York University in Toronto, and an award-winning playwright.

Articles by
Robert Fothergill

Impolite Companies

Political theatre’s rich, neglected history March 2012
What, if anything, comes to mind in response to the words “Canadian political theatre”? Could it be George Luscombe and Toronto Workshop Productions? Or 1837: The Farmers’ Revolt? Paper Wheat? How about the work of Chris Brookes and the Newfoundland Mummers? Or a Vancouver production of Lysistrata in the run-up to the Iraq…

Bard Versus Bard

Shakespeare changed the world, but he was no revolutionary—sexual or otherwise September 2011
In the four centuries since its first appearance, the body of work called “the plays of Shakespeare” has been elevated to the status of a kind of secular scripture that has significantly influenced the way that English-speaking and, increasingly, worldwide culture understands what might be called, rather breathtakingly, “the meaning of life.” Taken together, the plays offer a panoramic portrayal of human…