Mavis Gallant was stunningly prolific, with 116 stories in The New Yorker alone. Of the two dozen books she published, nine are curated selections with titles like Paris Stories and Montreal Stories (there is some repetition among them). Despite persistent if haphazard attempts at cataloguing her fiction, much has escaped the…
Russell Smith
Russell Smith will publish his latest novel, Self-Care, later this year.
Articles by
Russell Smith
Empire in Collapse
Finally, a global turning-of-the-tables dystopian novel that transcends clichés about Islam and the West April 2017
The rise of jihadist Islam and the turmoil of the Arab world have led to a few dystopian it-can-happen-here novels that imagine the rise of a powerful Islamist state to the detriment of democratic values. Michel Houellebecq’s Submission imagines a not-too-distant French republic in which an Islamist party is elected to the federal government (its only serious opposition is the racist nationalist…