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This Is America

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A little from column A, a little from column B

Sandy Shreve

Sandy Shreve’s most recent books are her poetry collection Suddenly, So Much (Exile Editions, 2005) and the anthology In Fine Form: The Canadian Book of Form Poetry (co-edited with Kate Braid; Polestar/Raincoast Books, 2005). Her chapbook, Cedar Cottage Suite, is now available from Leaf Press.

Articles by
Sandy Shreve

Carnival Yard

A poem December 2007
Thrushes back! Juncos! Yard’s a-hoppin’ — towhees, too… Winter carnival! Whee! to winter! Yard- hopping, too! Carnival’s back — Thrushes. A junco. Winter yard: Juncos, thrushes, towhees hopping back to a carnival. Backyard carnival — jocant towhees, thrushes, us: oo, winter’s hoppin’! Hoppin’ juncos, yard’s a towhee carnival! Two thrushes. Winter’s back. Backyard towhees hush; juncos stop…