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From the archives

Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Sandy Shreve

Sandy Shreve’s most recent books are her poetry collection Suddenly, So Much (Exile Editions, 2005) and the anthology In Fine Form: The Canadian Book of Form Poetry (co-edited with Kate Braid; Polestar/Raincoast Books, 2005). Her chapbook, Cedar Cottage Suite, is now available from Leaf Press.

Articles by
Sandy Shreve

Carnival Yard

A poem December 2007
Thrushes back! Juncos! Yard’s a-hoppin’ — towhees, too… Winter carnival! Whee! to winter! Yard- hopping, too! Carnival’s back — Thrushes. A junco. Winter yard: Juncos, thrushes, towhees hopping back to a carnival. Backyard carnival — jocant towhees, thrushes, us: oo, winter’s hoppin’! Hoppin’ juncos, yard’s a towhee carnival! Two thrushes. Winter’s back. Backyard towhees hush; juncos stop…