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Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Sarah Liss

Sarah Liss is the senior editor of Reader’s Digest. Her work has appeared in The WalrusMaclean’sToronto LifeThe Globe and MailHazlitt, the Hairpin and Her book, Army of Lovers: A Community History of Will Munro, was published by Coach House books in 2013. She lives in Toronto.

Articles by
Sarah Liss

Rape Memoirs: Our Other True-Crime Obsession

What does the profusion of rape memoirs ask of sexual assault laws, and of readers? November 2016
You hardly know him but now he thinks he knows you:he has taken down your worst momenton a machine and filed it in a file.He knows, or thinks he knows, how much you imagined;he knows, or thinks he knows, what you secretly wanted.—Adrienne Rich, “Rape” In mid October, a Los Angeles–based screenwriter named Kathryn…