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Wanda Nanibush

Wanda Nanibush is the Executive Director of ANDPVA, the oldest Indigenous arts organization. She is also a curator whose work re-contextualizes indigenous time-based media and performance art in terms of its philosophical complexity and rethinks how culture is framed. Her shows have included Mapping Resistances, Post Colonial Stress Disorder, Rez-Erection and Chronotopic Village. Her recent writing appears in FUSE and This is an Honour Song: Twenty Years Since the Blockades.

Articles by
Wanda Nanibush

The Frozen Bodies of Edward S. Curtis

A new collaborative play and photographic series tackle the representation of aboriginal peoples and the legacy of colonialism April 2011
Aboriginal peoples of the Americas are known primarily through stories of tragedy, dismal statistics and romantic photography of their pre-colonial cultures. What is less commonly known is the story of colonialism itself, and the stories that are behind the traumas that make up colonialism’s continued legacy. In her new play, The Edward Curtis Project: A Modern Picture Story