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April 2005

Wes Tyrell Wes Tyrell is a caricature artist and humorous illustrator. His works can be seen in a variety of publications, including The Globe and Mail and Maclean’s, as well as at <>. He benefits daily from the love of his spouse, Lisa, and his bulldog, Herbie.

Choosing Free Trade

The author of a momentous Canadian policy defends it against an exhaustive academic critique.

Donald S. Macdonald

Dangerous Evolution

How American exceptionalism is creating an unstable world.

Paul Heinbecker

Mythological Meltdown

Why we need to get back to the basics—and bases—of western civilization.

W. J. Keith

A Shocking and Humbling Book

Is this really the way society views scientists? asks our reviewer.

Hannah Hoag

Magicians and Mystics

Finding spirituality in the South Sea Islands.

Mark Lovewell

Shadowy Short Stories

Prose about the prosaic conceals the haunting past.

Toronto: Improvised City

The Vietnamese boat people take centre stage in this novel of immigrant themes.

Morton Beiser

Proportional Representation — Why Not?

A leading political analyst says we have nothing to lost and a lot to gain.

Anthony Westell

The Nature-Nurture Square Dance

In which our reviewer claims that sociobiology is here to stay

Michael Ruse

Breaking the Ties

Historical Glimpses at Canada's gradual disengagement from Britain.

Robert Bothwell

In the Maple Groves of Academe

The story of how Canada's universities went from colonial to homegrown.

Andrew Potter

Illegal Wars

It was Kosovo, not Iraq, that started the subversion of international law

Thomas S. Axworthy