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From the archives

To Nie Kanada

Our country through the eyes of others

Sisterhood of the Secret Pantaloons

Suffragists and their descendants

Past Imperfect

J. L. Granatstein’s prescient warning

Back Issues

April 2017

Justine Wong Justine Wong is a freelance illustrator based in Tokyo, originally from Toronto. She is also the creator of the project “21 Days in Japan,” and is starting a new initiative “Ladies Draw Tokyo” to build a support system for female ­creatives living in and travelling through Tokyo.

The Age of Offence

The politics of outrage, and the crisis of free speech on campus

Ira Wells

Outside Baseball

Looking for capital-M Meaning in a magical game

Adam Sternbergh

Pankaj Mishra on global rage, and the real culprit: modernity

Monobina Gupta in conversation with Pankaj Mishra

A Man of Our Time

Lawren Harris is once again jolted out of his casket, in reappraisals that paint him as a resolute modernist and urbanite

Sarah Milroy

Battle Wary

Why is a fight on another continent, 50 years after Confederation, our nation’s founding myth?

Amy Shaw

Playing against Type

Sometimes getting to the future means travelling in the other direction

Doug Gibson

Very Magnetic North

Uncovering an epic failed expedition, and its hold on the Canadian psyche

Ken Coates

The Woman Inside

In Barbara Gowdy’s new novel, an unusual haunting sparks a deep reflection on motherhood, family, and identity

Zoe Whittall

Empire in Collapse

Finally, a global turning-of-the-tables dystopian novel that transcends clichés about Islam and the West

Russell Smith

Couched in Verse

In Molly Peacock’s latest collection, poetic form, like psychoanalysis, offers safe passage through perilous waters

Amanda Jernigan

Pure Madness

Unsnarling the irrational, contradictory, still-thriving obsession with virginity

Diana Fitzgerald Bryden

All in the Family

Can lawyers really run law firms?

Adam Dodek