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January–February 2008

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Barbara Klunder Barbara Klunder has been illustrating and designing for many years. She has won numerous awards in Canada and the United States, and has had museum shows her textile work. Her first book, Other Goose, illustrates “recycled” rhymes and was published by Groundwood/House of Anansi in 2007.

Alice in Afghanistan

Canada has gone to war with complete confusion of purpose

Robert R. Fowler

Pages from the Conservative Handbook

A Liberal strategist reveals a Conservative’s secrets.

Warren Kinsella

Pages from the Liberal Handbook

Conservative strategist critiques a Grit’s modus operandi.

Tom Flanagan

Sympathetic, Generous ... and Tough

One of CanLit’s backstage producers revealed.

W. J. Keith

Are Law Schools Amoral Boot Camps?

Two legal ethicists beg to differ with a controversial book.

A Scrapper Spars With History

The “little guy” tells an authentic and breezy story.

Andrew Cohen

Empire à la Carte

Mostly American thinkers dish out hegemonic wisdom in a Canadian restaurant.

Ray Conlogue

A Literary Knock Out

How a bum ticker takes a boxer from defeat to triumph.

Carolyne Van Der Meer

Heroic Banality

A philosophical satire that skewers today’s faux spirituality.

Andrew Clark

Who's Stupid?

A Montreal writer tries to blame Albertans for all our environmental sins

Patrick Brethour

Iraq’s Future: The Canadian Approach

An optimistic look at the longer view for this war-torn country.

Roland Paris

Courting Celebrity

Becoming famous for showcasing the famous is a tricky business.

John Lownsbrough

Multicultural Growing Pains

Recent panics about “reasonable accommodation,” argues a Montreal philosopher, reflect an immaturity in Canadian thinking.

Daniel Marc Weinstock

A Loss of Beauty

Sounding the alarm for some of nature's most interesting creatures.

Peter Calamai

Conscience Aside

Authoritarianism in the U.S. and Canada.

Donald Carveth

In the Garden with the Guru

Adventures with Marshall McLuhan

Bob Rodgers

Your Brain: Flexible or Hard-Wired?

A new book’s claims about brain plasticity may be overstated

Rebecca Saxe