July–August 2009

Our Feudal Immigration Policy
Why should an accident of birth determine who benefits from citizenship?
Andrew CoyneUnbalanced Thoughts
Essays about last fall’s Ottawa showdown highlight only the values of parliamentary tradition.
Andrew PotterBad Faith?
A prominent scholar, rabbi, and government appointee claims that same-sex marriage is unjust
Charles BlattbergRevisiting a Powerful Myth
A new history and an opera retell the tale of the Children’s Crusade
Ray ConlogueThought in Action
A passionate doctor’s journey through war zones in Spain and China.
Martin LaflammeA Hotel for All Seasons
One of Canada’s leading entrepreeurs reflects on five decades of success.
David OliveNous aussi nous souvenons
Where do the Acadians fit into the story of Canada’s founding?
Sonali ThakkarMisreading Prostitution
The oldest profession proves a slippery subject for researchers.
Wendy McElroy