June 2010

Darwinists and Divinity
A whirlwind tour through western thought explores the big questions
Salem AlatonThe Thinking Man’s Marxist
From Montreal youth to Oxford chair, G.A. Cohen became one of our era’s great philosophical minds
Andy LameyDangerous Liaisons
Strathcona Park. They did so with an ulterior purDangerous Liaisons Revealing the hidden history of anti-gay security measures in Canada.
Mark LovewellThe Canadian Supernatural
In fiction from Charles G. D. Roberts to Gabrielle Roy and Joseph Boyden, nature takes on spiritual power.
Thomas HoddA Political Pioneer
The personal struggles and triumphs of Canada’s first black member of Parliament.
Donna Bailey NurseEscape to Turkey
An Iranian father places his teenage son in the hands of smugglers.
Yadi SharifiradQuiet Resilience
Flight from Nazi Vienna … to the Quebec bench … and to Morin and Truscott.
Philip GirardUntying the Knot
A new book untangles historical confusion and contemporary anxieties about marriage
Stephanie Cavanaugh