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Power Down

Is this the twilight’s last gleaming?

Who Controls North America?

Today, even the U.S. government is just one of many players

The End of the End

Revisiting a famous declaration

Back Issues

June 2017

Natalie Very B Natalie Very B. is a Polish-Canadian illustrator based in Toronto. She is a painter, digital artist and storyteller with focus on Polish folklore, female bodily existence and the secrets of the faraway galaxies. @natalieveryb

In Praise of Boredom

The modern life of a timeless condition

Mark Kingwell

Unhappy in Its Own Way

Literature’s most infamous marriage, through a lifetime of letters

Anna A. Berman

A Tragedy of Our Own

The Air India bombing and how we live with the past

Bob Rae

A Very, Very Modest Proposal

Can a microscopically small-ball approach accomplish political reform?

Christopher Moore

The Line Aquatic

Counternarratives of the much-mythologized waters at our border

Heather Menzies

Book Value

Redemption, shame and the bargain-bin sale of a cultural icon

Kenneth Kidd

Home and Away

Pasha Malla’s latest book, and what immigrants can write

J.C. Sutcliffe

Interlinguistic Planetary

Unmoored from time and space in a quasi-dystopia, two men are brought down to earth by a mysterious film

Andrew Forbes

Sketches of New Spain

An extraordinary year in the life of a gifted and adventurous scientist

Sir Christopher Ondaatje


Four decades of feminism through literature, and not a treatise in sight

Rosemary Westwood