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March 2005

Chris Barry Chris Barry is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design, where he studied illustration for four years. He works mainly in mixed media but is recently exploring using pen and ink, and has done graphic design work for a number of small companies. More of his work is available at <>.

Aid First

How can we untangle international politics and compassion?

Charles Godfrey

A Nationalist Giant

A young popular historian assesses Pierre Berton’s impressive legacy

Ken McGoogan

Foreign Policy: The Youth Version

A Foreign Affairs maven assesses a bold new prescription for Canada abroad

David M. Malone

An Embryonic Debate

The importance of shedding more light than heat on stem cell research.

When Neighbours Kill

How scapegoating and the killing instinct produced Canada's most memorable murder.

John Bemrose

Dark Sunshine

A daring and original exploration of the truth beneath a town's colourful surface.

Elizabeth Hay

From Baguette to Bust

Art, Language and (after a few laughs) Silence.

Modris Eksteins

Uncooling the Counter-Culture

A cheeky book exposes the conformity at the heart of non-conformity.

Rex Murphy

"With Us or with the Terrorists"

A Canadian academic argues that the days of multilateral action are over.

Michael Bell

Redressing Injustice

After 46 years, Japanese Canadians were finally compensated by Ottawa. A participant tells the story of the secret negotiations.

Roy Miki

The Invisible War

How Canadian forces struggled—and still do—to stabilize the post-Cold War world.

Lee Windsor

Steeltown Magnolia

A second political memoir from a woman who seems not to learn from experience.