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Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Back Issues

March 2006

LRC 100 portraits by Wes Tyrell Wes Tyrell is a caricature artist and humorous illustrator. His works can be seen in a variety of publications, including The Globe and Mail and Maclean’s, as well as at

The LRC 100 (Part Two)

Canada's most important books

A.F. Moritz

Has Canada Failed?

National dreams that have not come true.

Michael Bliss

Our Favourite Martian

A Hungarian writer trains a piercing eye on Canada and the world.

John Fraser

Indentured Servitude

Does Canada treat its migrant workers any better than other countries do?

Judith Ramirez

How to Wage War Legally

One big country, it seems, is breaking most of the rules these days.

Erna Paris

A Bomb in a Parachute

How to keep dreaming on the road to destruction.

David Dunne

Shifting Holy Ground

Should new definitions of sin mean new criteria for saints?

Gregory Baum

The Ambivalent Imperialist

A modern take on an Edwardian British adventurer in South Asia

Ken McGoogan

Advancing the Values Debate

Our reviewer argues that politics, not values, represents the crucial location of difference between Canadians and Americans.

Jason Bristow