March 2008

Constabulary Duties
When did the phrase “to serve and protect” begin to ring so hollow?
Paul F. McKennaOur Man in Bhutan
How a Canadian Jesuit founded a secular education system in a remote mountain nation
David M. MaloneThe Defender of Stories
From Gilgamesh to Atanarjuat, they have a civilizing influence.
Charles ForanHome Schooling with a Difference
A father connects with his son through the medium of movies.
Natalee CapleWhere Derring-Do Can Lead
A journalist recounts his adventures but not their personal cost.
Michael ValpyThe Head-Counting Game
A new book tries to demystify the art and science of polling, with mixed results.
Steven D. BrownWorse Than Dying
The unending legacy of the Halifax Explosion haunts a conflicted heroine.
Robin RogerDelightfully Morbid, Acutely Droll
A mystery that mixes dark humour with Victorian grit.
Mark FrutkinDiplomats: Do We Need Them?
Canadian ex-ambassadors tell stories about their work abroad.
Martin LaflammeCanon Making with a Vengeance
Did some inferior works creep into the Canadian pantheon? If so, why?
Robert LeckerCatching Ottawa’s Attention
There’s how-to pragmatism, and then there’s moral leadership.
John Sewell