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May 2014

Illustrations by Lindsay Campbell Lindsay Campbell is an illustrator from Mississauga, Ontario. She is a recent graduate of Oakville’s Sheridan College. Her work can be found here.

Outthinking Ourselves

Political progress requires restraining 200,000-year-old instincts

Jonathan Kay

Chains Unearthed

A ground-breaking work on the black and aboriginal slaves who helped build New France finally translated into English

Lawrence Hill

Spiritual Rambling

A trek in Saskatchewan sparks lively, enjoyable disagreement

Candace Savage

Market Rules

New layers of complexity make international financial oversight more challenging every day

Jennifer Jeffs

The Memory Thief

Understanding and coping with Alzheimer’s disease

Gregory P. Marchildon

Taking Care of Business

A surprisingly sober rock 'n' roll memoir

Denise Donlon

Reluctant Nationalistic Hero

One of Quebec's greatest painters sought artistic but not political fame

Martin Laflamme

Under the Volcano

Geology and love are linked in Dominique Fortier's three-pronged tale

Claire Holden Rothman

Making It

A journey from Sarajevo to Montreal through the art world's greed and ambition

Roger Seamon

Democratic Unrest

The case for protest, from Cicero to Occupy

Jocelyn Maclure

Public Peace through Private Gods

Canada has always put cultural coexistence before religious free expression

Molly Worthen

Made-in-Canada Faith

New books show the United Church's distinctive blend of religion and politics

David MacDonald

Does History Matter?

Pioneering research on Canada's attitudes toward bygone days

Ian Milligan

Following the Sheep

A notorious riot sheds light on our longest-serving prime minister

Christopher Dummitt