May 2014

Outthinking Ourselves
Political progress requires restraining 200,000-year-old instincts
Jonathan KayChains Unearthed
A ground-breaking work on the black and aboriginal slaves who helped build New France finally translated into English
Lawrence HillMarket Rules
New layers of complexity make international financial oversight more challenging every day
Jennifer JeffsReluctant Nationalistic Hero
One of Quebec's greatest painters sought artistic but not political fame
Martin LaflammeUnder the Volcano
Geology and love are linked in Dominique Fortier's three-pronged tale
Claire Holden RothmanMaking It
A journey from Sarajevo to Montreal through the art world's greed and ambition
Roger SeamonPublic Peace through Private Gods
Canada has always put cultural coexistence before religious free expression
Molly WorthenMade-in-Canada Faith
New books show the United Church's distinctive blend of religion and politics
David MacDonaldFollowing the Sheep
A notorious riot sheds light on our longest-serving prime minister
Christopher Dummitt