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November 2009

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Ben Clarkson
Ben Clarkson is a multidisciplinary artist and illustrator based in Winnipeg. To view more of his work visit
Between Euphoria and Fear
Has traditional microeconomics ignored the mood swings that drive financial crises?
Janice Gross SteinPrepping for Privilege
An exclusive U.S. school teaches its students they are the elite.
Stephen ZeifmanFreedom Redefined
We find it in the process of fighting for it, not at the end of the road.
Daniel Marc WeinstockThe Past As It Ought to Be
A medical heroine gets her due in this fictional portrait.
Jacalyn DuffinFrom the Somme to Guernica
A historical narrative by turns sketched and richly rendered.
Robert McGillBleak Island
L.M. Montgomery’s rediscovered “final” work is shot through with tragedy and loss.
Noreen Golfman