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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

November 2011

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Tom Pokinko. Tom Pokinko is an artist, illustrator and doctoral student based in Ottawa. A contributor to the LRC since 2003, Tom specializes in pen and ink drawings and digital prints. His other clients include Oxford University Press, United Nations Association in Canada, Blue Metropolis Literary Festival, The Progressive Magazine and various Canadian universities. For more information, see and, and follow Tom on Twitter:

Afghanistan’s Price

By downplaying PTSD, our government makes soldiers and their families bear the costs of war

Alison Howell

Dark Notes in Nazi Berlin

The fate of black jazz musicians in Hitler’s Europe

Antanas Sileika

High Noon at the CRTC

New in town, players like Netflix pose a fundamental challenge to Canadian content regulations

Simon Doyle

Walking Across Canada

In the wake of the Great War, five plucky Maritimers made it from sea to sea

James Roots

The Fighting Faithful

Is there still a place for religion in a secular, modern military?

Jonathan Malloy

An Editor’s Delicate Art

Doug Gibson worked with many of the best authors CanLit ever produced

John Burns

Childbirth, Cash and Culture

An illuminating comparison of two surprisingly similar diasporas

Sean T. Cadigan

The Real Dope

A new book explodes many myths about the Canadian healthcare system

Gregory P. Marchildon

Escape to Purgatory

A wholly original take on the Canadian immigrant story

Judy Stoffman

“I Didn’t Do It”

How often, and why, do we send innocent people to jail?

Mark J. Freiman

Canada on Canvas

A major survey captures four and a half centuries of landscape painting

Georgiana Uhlyarik

A Large But Poor Economy

That’s what Canada achieved in two key elections

Michael Hart

Brotherhood of the Dispossessed

A reporter’s close-up focus on young Muslim jihadists world-wide

Michael Bell