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November 2012

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Dave Barnes. Dave Barnes is an illustrator and artist living on Vancouver Island. He is currently working on new pieces for a group show at MOHS exhibit in Copenhagen, a children’s book written by Feet Banks and designed by Kristen Dillon, and illustrations for Mountain Life. More of his work is available at

Why Did They Strike?

A political generation gap—invisible to most Anglos—separates Quebec students and parents

Ray Conlogue

Berry’d Alive

How the Canadian media have used new technologies to shut out the public

Christopher Waddell

A Real Sports Hero

An Italian cyclist provides an inspiring antidote to the Lance Armstrong revelations

Laura Robinson

You Can't Get There from Here

Why Liberal-NDP marriage plans lead straight into a minefield

Robin V. Sears

A Profitable Pen

Winston Churchill’s other career

John English

Posthumous Portraits

The art and joys of the obituary

John R. Colombo

The Houses CanLit Built

Why the business of publishing matters to readers

Alana Wilcox

War of Words

Canada’s linguistic struggles have turned some victims vicious

Jack Mitchell

An Unerring Eye for the Ordinary

Loss and recovery in a Montreal village

Michel Basilières

Chasing History

An Afro-Indian Canadian searches for the girl he left in Tanzania

Camilla Gibb

Changing Prescriptions

One of Canada’s leading journalists gives medicare a timely checkup

Carolyn H. Tuohy

A Medical Detective Story

How Canadian and Kenyan researchers joined forces to battle HIV/AIDS

Sharmila L. Mhatre

Resource Fever

In recent clashes over mining, both Canadians and Peruvians look rapacious

Ian Smillie