Back Issues
October 2006

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Tom Pokinko
Tom Pokinko is a graphic artist based in Montreal. His work has appeared in The Progressive, Clamor and Fine Books & Collections, as well as with the United Nations Association in Canada. His portfolio is available at
Consensus or More Colonialism?
Two white authors approach aboriginal relations from opposite viewpoints.
Peter H. RussellResistance or Engagement?
A pair of indigenous writers come to very different conclusions about dialogue with the white community.
Dwayne Trevor DonaldAcademic Publishing in Canada: A Lament
Why does it take three years to publish books based on conferences?
Curious House Construction
A novel centred on modern architecture has shaky foundations.
Adele FreedmanUnder Thunder and Cordite
A Canadian novelist from Beirut describes life in the maelstrom of civil war.
Paul William RobertsTainted Counsel
A new book argues that many American think tanks offer more spin than truth.
Thomas S. Axworthy