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October 2009

Cover and illustrations in this issue by Tom Pokinko. Tom Pokinko is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Ottawa. His clients include the United Nations Association in Canada, Maisonneuve Magazine , The Progressive and various Canadian universities. His work can be viewed at He is also pursuing a PhD at McGill University.

Listen to the North

Cramming northerners’ needs into a southern model just isn’t working

John Ralston Saul

A Dystopia Sketched in Crayon

Margaret Atwood revisits the ecological apocalypse.

Robert Charles Wilson

The End of the World As We Know It?

Two authors give surprisingly similar answers

Richard G. Lipsey

Integration Is a Two-Way Street

A valuable study of Muslims in Canada demonstrates fear and ignorance … on both sides.

Sheema Khan

A Millennium of Manners

A comparative survey of good—and bad—behaviour.

Margaret Visser

The Personal and Political Entwined

A Canadian’s carefully observed memoir of a dark and violent place.

Jamie Zeppa

Is It All Quebec’s Fault?

A Maritimes-based polemicist ends up sounding like a western separatist.

Lars Osberg

Train of Thought

A maverick writer rides the literary rails.

Tomasz Mrozewski

Denial and Dignity

An examination of how we die in an era of rescue medicine.

Anita Ho

Deromanticizing Swashbucklers

The fantasy and the reality of piracy couldn’t be more different.

Charles Wilkins

Thinking in Groups

A new study illuminates the mysteries of academic peer review.

Bill Harnum

Canadians in the Spotlight

Joni, Leonard, Gordon, Robbie—they’re all here in this well-crafted tribute.

Mark D. Dunn

Vision, Reason, Commitment

A Bangladeshi NGO combines the best of business and government

John Richards