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October 2011

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Ryan James Terry. Ryan James Terry is a Toronto-based artist and a graduate of OCAD. His work has appeared in nationwide publications including The Dominion, Spirit Magazine and the Ryerson Review of Journalism and in online magazines including The Mark and A Thousand Points of Light. More of his work is available at

Has the Centre Vanished?

The past and future of the middle ground in Canadian politics

Stephen Clarkson

An Architectural Master

A new book focuses, perhaps too narrowly, on the work of one West Coast firm

Adele Weder

Enough Talk

It is time to take action on the dangers—and opportunities—in gambling on Native reserves

Tasha Kheiriddin

Toronto Hard and Soft

How can a city this dysfunctional be so successful?

Joe Berridge

The Calibration of Rights

Have we slid inadvertently into a two-tier approach to liberty?

Nathalie Des Rosiers

Dilemmas of the Diaspora

Irony, immortality and matrimony arise in stories of cross-cultural contact

Richard Cumyn

Sex, Death and Education

A compelling new novel, held together by unlikely coincidence

Erika Ritter

El Café Para Todos

In multiethnic democracies, subtle majority privileges can be just as corrosive as minority nationalism

Philip Resnick

A Great Human Tragedy

Putting settlers onto a virtual desert could only lead to catastrophe

James Pitsula

Rogue Naturalist

The forgotten legacy of a driven, self-taught environmentalist

Bob Rodgers

Toxic Legacy

The chemical environment we are bequeathing to our children looks downright alarming

Kathleen McDonnell

Desolate Lives

A close-up look at the horrors humans visit upon animals. Wayne Grady

Wayne Grady

Guerillas or Folklorists?

Two very different takes on Atlantic-Canadian writers

Stephen Henighan